1988.09-1992.07 昆明理工大学机械系 学士
1992.09-1994.12 昆明理工大学机械系 硕士
1995.03-1998.03 哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院 博士
1998.01-1998.04 哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院助理教授
1998.04-1998.10 香港城市大学制造工程与工程管理系研究助理
1998.11-2000.10 香港城市大学制造工程与工程管理系研究员
2000.11-2002.10 德国Hannover大学IFW 洪堡学者
2002.11-2003.09 香港中文大学计算机辅助工程系博士后研究员
2003.09-2009.06 英国Birmingham大学计算机学院研究员
2002-2010 燕山大学电气工程学院教授
2004-2010 燕山大学控制科学与工程专业博士生导师
2007-2010 燕山大学自动化系主任
2010.12-至今 北京师范大学认知神经国家重点实验室副主任,教授
(3)国家自然科学基金 [国际(地区)合作与交流项目]:孤独症脑认知功能障碍的辅助诊断与调控技术(61761166003),2018-2020,主持;
(1)Zhou T, Kang J, Cong F, & Li X (2020) Early Childhood Developmental Functional Connectivity of Autistic Brains with Non-Negative Matrix Factorization. NeuroImage: Clinical :102251.
(2)Zhao J , et al. (2020) Decision-Making Selector (DMS) for Integrating CCA-based Methods to Improve Performance of SSVEP-Based BCIs. IEEE T Neur Sys Reh :1-1.
(3)Wang X, Yan J, Wang Z, Li X, & Yuan Y (2020) Neuromodulation Effects of Ultrasound Stimulation Under Different Parameters on Mouse Motor Cortex. IEEE T Bio-Med Eng 67(1):291-297.
(4)Liang Z , et al. (2020) Information Integration and Mesoscopic Cortical Connectivity during Propofol Anesthesia. Anesthesiology 132(3):504-524.
(5)Li WG, Duan Y, Yan JQ, Gao H, & Li X (2020) Association between Loss of Sleep-specific Waves and Age, Sleep Efficiency, Body Mass Index, and Apnea-Hypopnea Index in Human N3 Sleep. Aging And Disease 11(1):73-81.
(6)Yuan Y, Wang Z, Wang X, Yan J, Liu M, & Li X (2019) Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound stimulation induces coupling between ripple neural activity and hemodynamics in the mouse visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex 29(7):3220-3223.
(7)Chen D, Hu Y, Wang L, Zomaya A Y, & Li X (2016) H-PARAFAC: Hierarchical parallel factor analysis of multidimensional big data. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 28(4):1091-1104.
(8)Chen D, Li X, Wang L, Khan S U, Wang J, Zeng ., & Cai C (2014) Fast and scalable multi-way analysis of massive neural data. IEEE Transactions on Computers 64(3):707-719.
(9)Wang J, Wei Y, Wen J, & Li X (2015) Skin burn after single session of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). Brain stimulation 8(1):165.
(10)Wang J, Gao D, Li ., Desroches A S, Liu L, & Li X (2014) Theta–gamma coupling reflects the interaction of bottom-up and top-down processes in speech perception in children. NeuroImage 102:637-645.
(11)Li Z, Ouyang G, Yao L, & Li X (2014) Estimating the correlation between bursty spike trains and local field potentials. Neural networks 57:63-72.
(12)Chen J, Chen D, Li X, & Zhang K (2013) Towards improving social communication skills with multimodal sensory information. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 10(1): 323-330.
(13)Zhang X, Hu S, Chen D, & Li X (2011) Fast covariance matching with fuzzy genetic algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 8(1): 148-157.
(14)Li X, Bowers C P, & Schnier T (2009) Classification of energy consumption in buildings with outlier detection. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 57(11): 3639-3644.
(15)Li X, & Ouyang G (2010) Estimating coupling direction between neuronal populations with permutation conditional mutual information. NeuroImage 52(2): 497-507.
(16)Li X, Ouyang G., Usami A, Ikegaya Y, & Sik A (2010) Scale-free topology of the CA3 hippocampal network: a novel method to analyze functional neuronal assemblies. Biophysical journal 98(9):1733-1741.
(17)Li X, Li D, Voss L J, & Sleigh J W (2009) The comodulation measure of neuronal oscillations with general harmonic wavelet bicoherence and application to sleep analysis. NeuroImage 48(3): 501-514.
(18)Li X, Tso S K, Guan X P, & Huang Q (2006) Improving automatic detection of defects in castings by applying wavelet technique. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 53(6): 1927-1934.
(19)Li X, & Yao X (2005) Multi-scale statistical process monitoring in machining. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 52(3): 924-927.